Subscribed to Standard Notes

After my initial testing and exploration of the free tier of Standard Notes, combined with not being sure (or informed, despite direct questions) on how it all will work for existing Proton customers, I decided to take the plunge and sign up for a subscription to Standard Notes. There is a 90-day money back guarantee after all, and as I signed up for a 5-year subscription that made it feel somewhat more safe that I still can back-track if this turns out to be a bad move.

Having paid for Professional tier of Standard Notes I now have access to a bunch of new functionality, so I have to get going in testing it all. This includes new themes for taking notes as well as functionality add-ons. I'm not sure how any of those were to be published on my site on

I basically wish to see what I'll be using for general note-taking, compared to what I'd like to publish on the listed blog, and of course, how it all differs from Obsidian, for which I am also a paying customer (of both their "Sync" and "Publish" add-ons).

Testing area

Here are some tests where I'd like to see how they pan out when published.

Here's a couple of lists

  • Regular bullet list
  • Still quite regular
    • Sub-level bullet
      • Sub-sub-level bullet
  • Seems to work.

  • [ ] This is a checklist item

  • [ ] This one is also a checklist item

  • [ ] This item is checked already

Here's a table

Worked out Was good
Thing to test Possibly Yeah
The other thing to test Not so much No

Here's some code block

<a href="">Great place</a>

❯ nb todo add "Example todo three." --description "Example description."

Added: [3] ✔️ [ ] Example todo three.

❯ nb show 3 --print

# [ ] Example todo three.

## Description

Example description.

That was me using the "code block" button in the toolbar. Does it work with fnuppets as well?

This usually creates a code block in MarkDown.

Is this, below, a collapsible area?

This is the content of the collapsible areaHere's some more content.

Is is possible to link images on Flickr?




And no again. What about uploading an image?

[File: 0ba01dba-5494-4a1f-b80d-be40df88b8eb]

You'll only receive email when they publish something new.

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